Welcome to the web page and blog of Gregor James, children and adult fictional author.

Hey. Me again. And whaddya know -another 3 months appear to have slipped past. 

So where do I start? I guess with the sad fact that while the old Covid outbreak affords one a lot of time in front of this PC, but has also chased away anything one might be able to call a muse. I have - once again - sat down in front of this thing - bashed my head against the keyboard for a bit, then gone off - this time to do a bit of Sonic Pi. Don't know if you've heard of it - it's a codeable synthesizer- great fun for a while when you are determinedly prevaricating. But that ran its course (I have no more patience for composing than I have for writing) and so now I've come back, to resume the plan as set out below. Will it actually come to pass this time? Ha ha ha ha. Sob. 

So to be specific - my author Kanban has the following tasks in it currently:

take gorodin down from publish sites - check

update website etc with new situation (yuh-huh)

read up on novel structure - especially. scenes and which scenes i should write first - i.e. should I write key scenes first and then write the rest of the novel to join up to them, or will that screw up the fluidity of the book - especially considering the lack of time I spend writing in any case.

- carry on with the Gorodin plot and character and scene grids.

- write amazing Novel

- be worshipped as author god


Let's see where we end up this time...