
'sup gang. It's me again.

So I think I might have missed a slot. Sorry about that. But it does at least mean that I have news. The short story is finished. Yay! But I cannot convince either my wife or daughter to read it. Boo! This is not what you'd call an auspicious start.

But besides this I feel strangely optimistic. I have lined up 2 proper beta-readers - one fellow struggling author (though he's been published, the git) and a friend with similar fantasy/sci-fi reading tastes. I was just hoping to get someone in the house to stupid-check it first.

Speaking of writer infrastructure, I've been trying to find other sources of help. Remember YouWriteOn - the place where people would review a chapter of your book if you did the same for them? Gone. Not entirely sure where, but the site is down :(. Apparently there are other places, but I haven't got the time/cohones together to check them out yet. Currently wrestling with urges to start/research another story/do more paid(ish) work. Indecision is final again.

So what you you do, web-crawler/hacker bot? OK - you'd register this site as not worthy of further action and move onto the next one. But what if you were a helpful conscious entity of some kind, rather than a semi-autonomous algorithm? You'd tell me to seek the answer inside myself huh? Well that was helpful.

I think the last time I was at this point I decided to focus on the resources to hone the writing. Review sites, forums and that. So I'll do that. And come back and tell you about it. Because I know you are counting on me, right ;).